PC: After downloading the game, an ovTwo icon will be placed on your desktop. Simply click the desktop icon to launch ovTwo. You will be asked to login with your ovTwo username and password that you signed up with at the website.
The Learning Center is the place to go to learn about ovTwo. It is filled with tutorials that cover all of the basics as well as some advanced features of the game. In addition to this help document it is where to go if you have a question. All users are encouraged to complete all tutorials in order as they are intended to progress from basics to the more advanced features. The tutorials are: Basics, Communication, Inventory, Money and Shopping, Homes, and Travel.
Completing the Learning Center will allow you to enjoy ovTwo more by getting you familiar with all of its great features. The Learning Center is also a great place to light fireworks with your free sparkler you receive when you sign up.
Free apartments are the housing that most players first own. They appear on the map as a blue apartment building. Free apartments can be found in the Hub’s Metroview Apartments, Volcano Island’s Paradise Apartments, and Ancient Moon’s Sol Apartments.